Natchan Rera
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函館港の「ナッチャンrera」 by Moga© 津軽海峡フェリー by PONNTA© ログインすると船舶の写真が登録できます。 If you are signed in, you can register photos. |
麗娜輪 の 現在位置 (2025-03-29 18:35:03 JST)
The vessel's position does not appear when it is out of range.
In this case, marine traffic in Tokyo bay appears.
2012年,台湾の船社から買船の話が上がり,Dolphin Line Navigation S. A.を介して台湾航路に就航が決定。船名は「麗娜輪」,船籍,コールサインはそれぞれPanama,3FKJ4からTaiwan,BIAIに変更されている。同船は台北/平潭,蘇澳/花蓮航路などに就航。
2016年,台湾(花連)と石垣を結ぶ航路にクルーズフェリーとして就航を表明。 高速の航海速力(35~40ノット)を生かし石垣―花蓮を約5時間で結ぶ予定。自動車や観光バスも輸送できることから台湾・石垣間の観光・物流需要にこたえる形だ。第1便は2016年5月14日に石垣港に入港する予定で今後,宮古,沖縄本島への需要も考慮にいれて展開する予定。
She was built by Incat Tasmania Pte. Ltd as a first 112meter class fast catamaran ferry and put in the service between Aomori and Hakodate by Higashi Nihon Ferry Co. Ltd. along with Natchan World. Duration of the voyage was 1 hour and 45 minutes (summer season), making it almost 2 hours shorter than the time spent by an ordinary conventional ferry. She is capable of carrying 350 cars or 195 cars and 33 trucks. Passenger capacity is 1,746.
In 2008, Higashinihon Ferry announced to increase the the fare by 30% due to ever raising fuel cost. They also announced the reduction of voyage in the autumn and winter season. Also due to the complaint received by local fishermen, Higashinihon Ferry was forced to reduce speed significantly to avoid causing wake impact. Making this change looses an advantage putting her on this route. She stopped serving on this route by the end of November, after a less than a year of service in the Aomori - Hakodate route.
In 2012, she was sold to Taiwanese operator and put on the service around Taiwan, such as routes connecting Taipei, Suao, Hualien. In 2016, she made a first call to Ishigaki island as a charter operation by UniWago, connected a Taiwanese port of Hualien and Ishigaki, southwestern part of Okinawa islands in Japan. UniWagon aims to put her on regular service on this route if the demand is consistent.
年 Year |
出来事 Event |
船名 Vessel Name |
運行会社(登録国) Operator (Country) 所有会社(登録国) Owner (Country) |
総トン数 GT |
2007 | 建造(Built) | ナッチャンrera Natchan Rera | 東日本フェリー株式会社 (日本) Higashi Nihon Ferry Co. Ltd. (Japan) 東日本フェリー株式会社 (日本) Higashi Nihon Ferry Co. Ltd. (Japan) | 10,712 |
2012 | 変更 Change: | 麗娜輪 Natchan Rera | J & T シッピング・カンパニー・リミテッド (台湾) J & T Shipping Co. Ltd. (Taiwan) ユニワゴン・マリーン・カンパニー・リミテッド (台湾) Uni-Wagon Marine Co. Ltd (Taiwan) | 10,712 |
2024 | 変更 Change: | ユーロチャンピオンジェット Eurochampion Jet | シージェット (ギリシャ) Seajets (Greece) シージェット (ギリシャ) Seajets (Greece) | 10,841 |
Cruise Reviews
年 Year |
タイトル Title |
2007 | 「ナッチャンRera」青森 - 函館乗船記 |
Openship & Events
イベント日付 Event date |
場所 Location |
種類 Type |
詳細 Detail |
料金 Fare |
こちらの船舶における将来イベントは登録されていません。 Sorry... No Events on this vessel has been registered at this moment. |
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