Asuka II
* mark indicates that the information shown here may not be accurate. |
大桟橋に停泊の飛鳥Ⅱ及びダイヤモンドプリンセス by kingfisher© 夕闇出港の飛鳥Ⅱ by kingfisher© 改装後の姿 by idyllicocean© ログインすると船舶の写真が登録できます。 If you are signed in, you can register photos. |
飛鳥 II の 現在位置 (2024-09-20 00:16:51 JST)
The vessel's position does not appear when it is out of range.
In this case, marine traffic in Tokyo bay appears.
2020年1月,シンガポールのセンブコープ・マリン(Sembcorp Marine)にて改装。SOx規制に対応した排ガス脱硫装置やトップデッキへの露天風呂などが設置された。
* 最大船幅は29.84m
Built as the most luxurious cruise ship built in Japan at MHI Nagasaki Shipyard. After her debut as Crystal Harmony, she was awarded with many rewards, making the position of Crystal Cruises very strong and secure in the luxury cruise market. In 2006, she was transferred to NYK Cruises and put into services for mainly Japanese market and renamed to Asuka II. Before joining in NYK cruises, she went through an extensive renovation in Victoria Shipyards in BC, Canada and in MHI Yokohama yard. One of the added feature was the Grand Bath which was necessary for Japanese cruise goers. As of 2016, Asuka II is currently offering longer cruises, such as Oceania Cruises, World Cruises in spring to summer, and shorter cruises in autumn and winter season.
年 Year |
出来事 Event |
船名 Vessel Name |
運行会社(登録国) Operator (Country) 所有会社(登録国) Owner (Country) |
総トン数 GT |
1990 | 建造(Built) | クリスタルハーモニー Crystal Harmony | クリスタルクルージズ (米国) Crystal Cruises Inc. (United States of America) クリスタルクルージズ (米国) Crystal Cruises Inc. (United States of America) / 日本郵船株式会社 (日本) | 48,621 |
2006 | 変更 Change: | 飛鳥 II Asuka II | 郵船クルーズ株式会社 (日本) Yusen Cruise Co., Ltd. (Japan) 郵船クルーズ株式会社 (日本) Yusen Cruise Co., Ltd. (Japan) | 50,142 |
Cruise Reviews
年 Year |
タイトル Title |
2009 | 飛鳥II 横浜ワンナイトクルーズ |
2008 | AsukaII Kobe/Yokohama ONE NIGHT Cruise |
2008 | 飛鳥 II - 夏の神戸・横浜ワンナイトクルーズ |
2008 | 横浜発着「年末年始 グアム・サイパンクルーズ」乗船記 |
Openship & Events
イベント日付 Event date |
場所 Location |
種類 Type |
詳細 Detail |
料金 Fare |
こちらの船舶における将来イベントは登録されていません。 Sorry... No Events on this vessel has been registered at this moment. |
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