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ノルディックプリンス の 現在位置 (2025-03-29 19:04:47 JST)
The vessel's position does not appear when it is out of range.
In this case, marine traffic in Tokyo bay appears.
1971年,フィンランドにて"Nordic Prince"の名で建造。1980年に船体延長工事を実施。1995年,サンクルーズへ売却され"Carousel"と改名。これに伴い,ファンネル下部のバイキングクラウンラウンジが撤去された。2004年,ルイスクルーズへ売却,”Aquamarine”と改名,さらに2010年12月,オーシャンスタークルーズへ売却され"Ocean Star Pacific"の名でメキシコ沿岸クルーズに就航している。
"In year 2000. Carousel was grounded near Canc?n, Mexico, which led to cancellation of five cruises while she was being repaired. Operating. Sailed as "Arielle "2006 - 2008. Former "Carousel" built as "Nordic Prince". Thursday 9 May 2008 ? The Aquamarine cruise liner was diverted to Milos, an island in the Aegean Sea, after a 1.5 - meter gash was found on its hull at about 1.5 m above the water line. The ship"s hull was damaged after it scraped against a pier during its departure from the port of Iraklio in Crete to the resort island of Santorini. The 872 passengers and the 407 crewmembers on board were safe. The ship was sold to Corporacion De Cruceros Nacionales by Louis Cruises for $23,375,000."